It’s June 2016 and Zhen and myself are sitting at the gate in the Las Vegas Airport waiting for our flight home after a great week at the World Tea Expo. Sitting with us sharing her dream of a tea room is Michelle. Fast forward to November 2017. We finally made it to the realization of her dream, just before their one year anniversary. And it was awesome!
Six Delicious Teas
At The Tea Lounge, we presented ‘An Inside Look at Chinese Tea’ to a great group of tea sommeliers and aficionados. We sipped our way through teas from each of the six tea categories, a green, white, yellow, oolong, black and dark tea. Interested in taking a similar tour of Chinese tea? Let us know where we should do our next session and in the mean time…

Meet Yixing Tang
This was our first chance to meet Yi Xing Tang, who was holding down the fort during our visit to The Tea Lounge. He and Spencer took great care of us while we sipped tea with the group and took them on an insider tour of Chinese tea.

About the Tea Lounge
The Tea Lounge is beautifully decorated with artifacts from Michelle’s past. Chairs from her fathers indian restaurant, samovars from the old world. Not only that, Michelle has carefully built a tea menu that includes great teas from all over the world. If you are ever in or near London, it’s worth a trip for a sip!

Looking Forward to Returning
While this was our first visit to The Tea Lounge, I am certain it won’t be our last. Not only did we have a great time, meeting many new friends and reconnecting with some familiar tea lovers, but we were honoured to learn that many had travelled a fair distance to visit and sip tea with us. There may also be a tea festival coming to the area very soon… stay tuned.